Thursday, April 14, 2011

16 Weeks!

How Far Along: 16 Weeks
Size of baby: Baby grows to the size of an onion! An onion that's getting big!
Weight Gain: 131.5lbs, so total of 6.5lbs so far. Doctor says its perfect so far.
Belly: 35.5inches.

What I Love: Feeling the life growing inside me.

What I Miss: Being able to stay up late. I fall cannot stay up to watch movies very well.

Cravings: The big craving of this pregnancy has been hiding in front of me all along. Its been the center of arguments and one of the few things I can always stomach. It's dairy, particularly milk. We go through 4 litres every 2 or 3 days, which is crazy. I also love yogurt and cheese and any thing else that is creamy or cheesy.

Symptoms: Not to much going on. Acne has started full force. All my aches and pains have seemed to gotten better and I just feel good overall. Such a relief!!

Sleep: Still sleeping lots and fairly well. Finding it hard to get comfortable not being able to sleep flat on my belly.

Maternity Clothes: Still about the same as last week.

Movement: Pretty sure I can feel the little one wiggling in there. I'll get this weird fluttery feeling that literally makes my heart jumps as it feels different than anything I've felt there before.

Purchase This Week: More cloth diapers. I put in another order and am anxiously awaiting my fluffy mail.

Favourite Moment this Week: Feeling baby wiggling about in there.
As well if anyone would like to throw a guess out there as to what we are having you can go to The game name is BabyRogo if that link does not take you directly there.

1 comment:

  1. I felt Joel move for the first time at 16 weeks, so I'm sure that is movement you feel. :) It feels a little like gas at first and in 10 more weeks it'll be solid kicks to the gut! I also had/have acne when I'm pregnant which is annoying because as soon as Joel was born it cleared up and my skin was great! I know a lot of women say pregnancy is the best skin of their life, but for me that wasn't the case. You're not alone!
