Sunday, May 15, 2011

20 Weeks! Half way there!!!

You can see the dark line froming down the center.

How Far Along: 20 WEEKS!! I am halfway to meeting our little bundle!! 
Size of baby: Baby is the size of a banana. 10.5 inches and about 12ounces (ever so close to a pound)
Weight Gain: 138lbs. Thats about 5lbs in the last 2 weeks! Wow!
Belly: 37inches

What I Love: The movement, I can stare at my belly for hours watching and feeling bubs move. Its funny when we are out with people and bubs is going crazy and nobody but me knows, I have a hard time not giggling sometimes. 
I also have mixed feelings about being half done, I am excited that we are that much closer to meeting bubs, but am sad that I can't keep completely protected in me forever.

What I Miss: Nothing really, I am really starting to love being pregnant and am sad that I'm already half done. I am really excited to meet the little being though!

Cravings: Sweet stuff, twix bars in particular. I wake up in the morning and want one so bad. Still loving my dairy and am starting to take a liking to meat again.

Symptoms: I am feeling awesome with lots of energy. I definitely find that my feet swell up a bit and get sore more readily. Also finding a lot of random aches and pain throughout my backs and hips. I am also starting to get a dark line from my ribs down,

Sleep: Still sleeping really well. Getting bigger and its a lot harder get comfy but it does not really bother me to much. I am also finding that I am getting a lot more nightmares which I am not liking.

Maternity Clothes: Got a a birthday present of more maternity clothes, should be set now for quite a while. I will have to have the next one at around the same time so I can wear all my summer stuff again.

Movement: Lots, this baby is a mover!  

Purchase This Week: Went shopping with Grandma this past weekend and ended with lots of awesome stuff. We got an awesome crib soother aquarium thingy that is supposed to mesmerize babies to sleep. Purchased a in ear quick read thermometer for half price (yay!), Some bottles, baby first book, a stroller blanket that attaches to the stroller (greatest idea ever!), some pacis, some more cute clothes, a change pad cover and lots of other fun stuff that took almost 2hrs to detag and put away! Thanks Grandma for the fun day and all the loot!
Favourite Moment this Week: The papa still has not felt baby, baby but we can sit there and baby thump and move around in my belly. It is really neat and unbelievable that there is our little one moving inside of me.


  1. You may even be less than half way! I went into labor at 37, 1 day! Glad you're feeling so great and so full of energy!

  2. Thank you for your encouragement! It's very much appreciated. :) And it was helpful too. :)

    My friend Caroline made a mammoth spreadsheet for me that broke down the cost of cloth diapering compared to buying disposable. Her estimates on disposable diapers were $50 a month, but I actually only pay $20 a month through a diaper subscription service where I get big discounts. SO, when I recalculated the math making the big cloth diaper investment actually wouldn't pay off in Joel's diaper lifetime and he'd still be in them when new baby comes so it'd be double investment. It may pay off for the second baby, but for right now I've put it on the back burner because I don't know if it's something I'll have the energy to learn when I'm running on no sleep, trying to care for new baby and take care of a 14 month old. I may reconsider it when baby #2 is a little older, but in the long run, we wouldn't save as much as other people seem to save because of the subscription service being such a good investment. I think most people save about $2000 per child but we'd only save about $500. (That's also because Josh's company gives diaper showers each time their employees have babies and last time we got enough diapers to get us through Joel's first 5 months, so I'm kind of banking on that again - lol.) You'll have to let me know how it goes for you though!
