Sunday, September 11, 2011

37 Weeks!!

How Far Along: 37 Weeks, We made it!! Baby can now come anytime and will be healthy and fully developed!!!
Size of baby: A watermelon, about 6.5lbs and 19 to 22 inches long.
Weight Gain: 169.9lbs. Apparently I did not like being 170lbs

What I Love: That we made it this far! I cannot wait until bubs arrives now! We have finished almost everything and are just patiently waiting for the arrival.

What I Miss: Being not pregnant, I can't even remember what not pregnant is like anymore but I have a feeling the simple tasks will be a lot easier

Cravings: Rice pudding, hamburgers, and cheddar flavored rice crisps. Really not eating to much anymore as I get full really quick and end up with bad indigestion.

Symptoms: Big and sore all over. Feeling more and more tired. I have been waking up throughout the night and just getting up and doing things. Did laundry, organised and sterilized pacis at 3 am one morning.

Sleep: I have just accepted that sleep is not going to be the same. I usually go to bed about 12:00 wake up around 5-6am get up for 1-3hrs and go back to bed till 9:30-10:30ish and have an afternoon nap at about 2:00. I am so happy I am not working anymore and can be so flexible.

Maternity Clothes: Still have just a few things that fit comfortably.

Movement: Still lots and lots. Keeps me awake/wakes me up all the time. The kicks and movements are getting really strong and really makes some interesting lumps on my belly. We can also feel little hands and feet poking out.

Purchase This Week: Just a few last minute things. Car seat bundle bag to keep baby warm in our climate, some Baby Einstein DVDs (buy 1 get 1 free!!) and a few toys. We spent $98 and saved $58, that makes me super happy!!

Favourite Moment this Week: When I got lillies for making it to 37 weeks!
Boy or Girl:I think boy but have been getting more girl guesses. I cannot wait to find out!!

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