Friday, August 5, 2011

32 Weeks

I am still alive and pregnant! The weather has finally been nice here and we have so busy that I've neglected the blog. Hopefully I won't get that far behind again as I really forget things really fast and it takes a lot of work to catch up.

How Far Along: 32 Weeks
Size of baby: Baby Is getting big!! 19inches and up to 4.5lbs. The size of a honeydew.
Weight Gain: 161lbs, The scale is going up really fast these days, but i'm going to blame water retention. Its been hot here and I've been swollen.
Belly: 42 inches

What I Love: I am loving these last few weeks of having baby in my belly. Its safe and secure in there and overall I've really enjoyed being pregnant. I know I am going to miss the kicks and the wiggles and the belly when its all over. But at least I'll get to hold and see baby and not have to call it "it" anymore. 

What I Miss: I miss a lot these days. Going for walks without my hands and feet swelling up big time. Eating whatever I want. Picking up things off the ground without grunting and adjusting several times. Sleeping.

Cravings: Birthday cake with ice cream. DQ strawberry sundaes. Oatmeal. Rice Pudding.

Symptoms: I have a lot less energy and little tasks are becoming difficult. I have a ton of heartburn and can't eat very much without a lot of discomfort. I cannot get comfortable in bed and by the time I do my hips are usually so sore that its time to change positions. The insomnia is back and I cannot remember the last time I slpet past 4:00am.

Sleep: When I can manage to  stay asleep I sleep really well but thats where the problem lies. I wake up and start thinking about how much life is going to change soon and get myself all worked up and unable to sleep. You know how when your tired everything seems so much worse then they really are. Some examples that have kept me awake are our choices in names, not having a good enough camera, a baby item that we need but I didn't budget for, ongoing car seat drama etc. Nothing listed is worth losing sleep over thats for sure. Pregnancy does weird things to you.

Maternity Clothes: I am outgrowing a lot of my maternity clothes. There is nothing quite like outgrowing maternity clothes.....

Movement: Its finally starting to decrease and become a lot patterned. Baby is running out of room and the movements are a lot slower and more of pushes and nudges. My belly does not morph shape anymore which I'm little sad about.

Purchase This Week: Hopefully and finally the car seat that we have been trying to find and thought we successfully oredered once already. It is due to arrive in 2-3 weeks and I will be one happy camper when it finally arrives.

Favourite Moment this Week: Finalizing babies room and packing baby's hospital bag. I really need to get on ours now.
Boy or Girl: I keep having dreams that it is a girl so I'm really not sure anymore. Gut still says boy but I am loving all the girl available and will not be sad in the least bit if the little munchkin is a girl.

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